SD ALS Online Catalog
The SD ALS Online Catalog is an Internet based online catalog and ordering site. If you are a registered patron of the SD ALS, you have access to all the books in this library. This catalog includes Braille (mostly children's books) and Twin Vision (both print and Braille in one book).

Twin Vision Braille books allow visually impaired to read with anybody else: grandparents to grandchildren, friends, and classrooms.
NLS Talking Book Topics
Talking Book Topics (TBT) lists a selection of titles recently added to the NLS collection and available through a network of cooperating libraries or the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) service. It also carries news of developments in services to people with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, or a physical, perceptual, or reading disability that prevents them from using regular print materials. NLS publishes Talking Book Topics bimonthly in digital audio and HTML (current and back issues below), as well as PDF of the large-print formats, which include order forms for mailing (current and back issues below), and as a digital "talking" book (DB).
NFB-NEWSLINE® is a free audio news service for anyone who is blind, low-vision, deafblind, or otherwise print-disabled that offers access to more than 500 publications, emergency weather alerts, job listings, and more.
South Dakota State Library Accessible Library Services patrons are now eligible for NFB-NEWSLINE®. No internet access required.
To register, contact your reader advisor at 1-800-423-6665 (in SD Only) or Email
NFB Applications:
download and mail
Descriptive Videos
Borrow great blockbuster movies on DVD or Blu-Ray from the SD ALS! The movies include audio tracks that carefully describe the visual elements of the movie-action, characters, locations, costumes, and sets-without interfering with the dialogue or sound effects.

Descriptive Videos bring the movies to you.
Your SD ALS digital player will play downloaded books from BARD: Braille and Audio Reading Download. With over 100,000 digital books and 40 digital magazines, downloading from BARD is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Users must first be a patron of SDALS prior to applying for NLS/BARD.

BARD mobile app on personal device like phone or tablet.
NLS Magazines
Many periodicals are available in a variety of formats. Contact SD ALS for more information about available magazines including a list of magazines both free and by paid subscription.

Magazines such as Dakota Farmer, Dakota Country, South Dakota Magazine, and South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Conservation Digest are also produced in audio format, in cartridges for ALS digital players.