SD State Library eCard
As an employee of the State of South Dakota, your SDSL (South Dakota State Library) eCard will allow you direct access to: Personal Research Assistance, Research Materials, Specialized Services, and Trainings.

Training Opportunities
Training is available for state employees on the services that the SD State Library provides, including electronic resources, reference services, interlibrary loan, and also grant resources. SDSL staff can come to your monthly workgroup meeting in person or online (via Zoom, Teams, or other technology) and give a short 20-to-30 minute presentation highlighting SDSL resources available to state agency employees. In-depth training on specific databases is also available.
- In-Person or Online Training
- Electronic Resources
- Reference Services
- Interlibrary Loan
- Grants Resources
Electronic Resources
Search databases that describe and index articles found in many magazines, professional/scholarly journals, and South Dakota/national newspapers. Many of the databases also contain the article(s) in full-text. SDSL databases are all accessible from the PCs of SD State Government employees.
- Government Information
- National Phone Directories
- Full-text journal articles
- E-books
- Practice Tests
- Full-text encyclopedias
Government Publications
South Dakota State Government Publications are collected by the SD State Library in digital and paper (when available).
Personal Research Assistance
The Research staff of the South Dakota State Library provides assistance in finding journal articles, books, and more. Our staff can help with your research needs, obtaining articles, books, and other resources that can be emailed to you or shipped via interoffice mail.
Recording Studio
Thinking about recording a podcast or an audio file to post on the agency website? The South Dakota State Library has a digital audio recording studio available for state employees.
We will engineer the recording, and then you will control the editing and the hosting of the file. Recordings are done in WAV format but can be easily converted to MP3 format. Consider recording your newsletters in audio format for the visually impaired (example: Accessible Library Services Newsletter).
Research Materials
- Books
- Magazines
- Newspapers
- Audio Visual
- State & Federal Publications - current and historical
- Grants Research Database
SD's Dingell-Johnson Reports
South Dakota's Dingell-Johnson Reports, located at the South Dakota State Library and published by the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) , provide comprehensive information on cooperative state and federal fish restoration and management projects in South Dakota since 1952.
You may search the state library catalog for "Dingell Johnson" to see a list of reports available.
SD Conservation Digest Index
The South Dakota Conservation Digest magazine has been a staple publication of GFP for 85 years. It provides educational and timely information on our state's outdoor recreational opportunities and the management of our state's parks, fisheries and wildlife.
The South Dakota State Library has a collection of Conservation Digest's dating from 1936 to the present. The following index was compiled in 2018 by Brenda Hemmelman, Collection Services Librarian. The spreadsheet includes tabs at the bottom that represent the year of publication.
Specialized Services
- Consultation for Special Projects
- Braille/Audio Materials
- Interlibrary Loan

Brenda Hemmelman
1-605-773-3131 (Option 4)