Youth Winter Reading Program 2024
Open to all registered library patrons ages birth to 19, participants are asked to read at least 20 minutes every day during the month of February.
A reading chart is sent to each participant. To be eligible for the grand prize, just mark the chart for each day you read at least 20 minutes and return the completed chart to SD ALS at the beginning of March.
Early bird drawing for all registered by Jan. 25, and a drawing for those who return their completed chart postmarked by March 11, 2024.
If you have any questions please contact:
- Virginia "Ginny" Kaus, Educational Materials Coordinator/ Reader Advisor: 1-605-773-4914 Option 1, 1; 1-800-423-6665 Option 1, 1; or email
- Josh Easter, Equipment and Audio Production Manager: 1-605-773-5082 ; or email