Inside this Issue
Kate's Corner
Happy spring! The long, cold winter is coming to a close, and at times I was so cold, I wasn't sure I'd survive my first winter in South Dakota. Happily, the sun is coming back and my cats are roaming around outside, sure signs of a warming trend.
It's been a year since I first came to South Dakota to interview for the job as Braille and Talking Book library manager. The staff were all strangers to me, but welcomed me warmly as I interviewed, although I was quite convinced that I was not moving here or accepting the job if it were offered to me. I remember driving around Pierre in my rental car, staring at the brown hills and leafless trees and wondering if I could ever get used to the view, coming from green mountains and dense forests. I'll be honest—it still feels a bit alien to me, and I'm not sure I'll ever quite get used to it, but I do love life here at Braille and Talking Books, and I don't think you'll find more dedicated group of people striving to make your lives better through reading!
Inside the State Library, things are changing. The library will be undergoing major renovations starting at the end of March. We do not anticipate the
being renovated until this summer, but we will keep you updated on any potential issues the renovations may cause with our service. Hopefully everything goes quickly and smoothly!
Did you enjoy the Winter Olympics in Beijing this year? Here at Braille and Talking Books, our reader advisors Lynette, Marcia, and Lynda competed for a week's worth of glory in our first ever Reader Advisor Winter Olympics. All three earned gold, silver, and bronze medals in a variety of events, and as a reward, we celebrated with Blizzards from Dairy Queen! Congratulate your reader advisor next time you talk to her on the phone.
Inside this issue, you'll learn about our winter reading program, our virtual programming, new services we are rolling out in 2022, new donors, and more. If you have ideas for improvements or additions to our service, please do not hesitate to email me at
or call me at
See you next issue!.
Adult Winter Reading Challenge 2022

This year, we decided to host a winter reading challenge for adults. The challenge began in February and ran through the end of March, with an early bird drawing February 22nd for patrons who had registered by then. It is always a bit of a struggle to know how best to challenge adults to read, as their daily lives are busy and books are longer for grownups. We created a customized Winter Reading 2022 cartridge with 6 books from various genres. This was a chance to try something new and maybe discover a different author. From there, we decided to make up six short answer questions, one for each book, which our readers could fill out after reading. Interested readers contacted their reader advisor to sign up. We had hoped to get 8-10 readers to sign up, but we had 36 readers participating! We held a winter wind up end of challenge drawing for the 19 who answered the questions on April 6th and Rachel from Sioux Falls won!
We've collected comments from our patrons and thought it would be fun to share some with you.
Question: Which of the short stories did you like the best?
- …it kept me on the edge of my seat. I could not turn my machine off.
- Boat Party-The section of his dad and buddies fishing at night. Lures hooking them. I laughed and laughed.
- Brings back memories of Christmases when I was growing up. The anticipation and excitement of waiting for Christmas, which seemed to take forever to arrive.
Question: What memorable episode of your life would you write about if you were to write your memoirs?
- Adventures I had during military training in the 70's, jump school for parachuting, etc. what it's like to step out of a plane. Some survival experiences and POW training.
- My career as a mail carrier: weather events, getting stuck, interactions with patrons, acquiring and modifying (steering wheel and foot pedals on right) the route vehicle.
Question: Did you figure out the mystery before the detective did? Would you like to try any of the recipes?
- I enjoyed this one, interesting mystery. I'm not much of a cook. I didn't quite have the mystery figured out.
Question: Were you inspired to visit England? Why or why not?
- No I was not. The weather sounds dreadful and the accommodations don't sound much better.
- Yes. Just to see the country and see how they live today.
Question: Could this book have been written today? Why or why not?
- Yes, it is fiction, so anything goes. He would need to add things like new technology and current events to make it work.
- Absolutely--Native Americans currently in litigation to retrieve several land parcels, with current buildings, back from the city of Rapid City.
- Probably not. Use of racial slurs/stereotypes.
Question: Which woman would you like to see more of her story told in a sequel and why?
- I really can't answer this one fairly, because I liked them all a lot.
- Enjoyed this one the most, listened to it twice. Hazel McKay, girlfriend of Charlie was my favorite woman. Liked the way the relationship developed between the 3 of them.
- Joey's mother and aunt-strong characters
Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to read these books and participate in our challenge! We are doing a similar summer reading challenge for adults starting in June, and the information is in the next article. It's been so much fun hearing from you and your thoughts about these novels. Makes us wonder what to pick next! Do you have suggestions? Feel free to email our manager at
2022 Adult Summer Reading Challenge

The Adult Summer Reading Challenge is taking place June 1-August 26, 2022.
Interested readers should contact their reader advisor to sign up to receive a customized Summer Adult Reading Challenge cartridge with books from various genres. This is a chance to try something new and maybe discover a different author. Multiple staff members chose books this time.
Participants answer one question per book and a prize drawing is held at the end of the program.
- Early bird drawing deadline: June 15, 2022
- End of Challenge drawing deadline Aug 26, 2022
The drawing will be held live at the BTBL Social Club challenge books discussion on Zoom on August 29, 2022.
If you use social media, please use #SDSummerReading2022 to share what you are reading!
Social Club News
We've had a great kick off to the 2022 Social Club series. As a reminder, we're running one virtual program per month to entertain and engage you, making the library come alive in new ways!
In January, patrons enjoyed a visit to the Neighborhood of Make Believe as we watched the audio described film A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, starring Tom Hanks as beloved children's television host Fred Rogers. The library has nearly 1,000 audio-described DVD's on hand, in which a narrator explains the action of the film during the non-dialogue portions of movies.
In February, our patrons participated in a live taping of the podcast Cooking in the Dark, starring Dale Campbell and Cheryl Cumings. Patrons chatted with the hosts and learned what goes into creating a podcast, also getting to listen to producer Tim Cumings as he worked his magic with intros, outros, and advertising breaks. Dale and Cheryl made a delicious baked pasta dish with a side of garlic biscuits and provided cooking tips for people who are cooking without eyesight. They let us know they had a great time and would be happy to come back in the future, so let us know if you'd like us to host them again! If you would like to listen to the episode, please visit
In March, author Steve Kluger joined us to discuss adult Winter Reading selection Last Days of Summer. Among the revelations from his chat were that the book is being turned into a Broadway musical! We learned a lot about how the book came to be, more about the background of the characters, and what the inspiration of the story was. Kate asked Steve which female character he thinks could be a novel of her own, and without hesitation he said Hazel! So those of you who answered Hazel on your Winter Reading forms are of a similar mind on that one. The session was recorded and will be available online, and Josh Easter will be working on turning it into an audio file that can be sent out on cartridge. Let your reader advisor know if you'd be interested in checking that out.
After all this excitement, we'll be turning our attention to storytelling. SD resident and BTBL patron Jim Hoxie will join us to talk about his new children's book, Grandpa's White Cane, which explores his experience losing his eyesight and learning to navigate through the world with his cane. If you'd like to read his book or listen to Jim's interview call your reader advisor.
In May, we will listen to two story tellers. First up will be Ron McCallum with his TED Talk, How Technology Allowed Me to Read. Then we'll listen to Ryan Knighton talk about challenging his remaining senses at a snake round up in Texas. Afterwards, you'll get some tips on writing your own life story and we will share those stories at our June meeting!
This summer, we'll be doing a technology session, learning how blind people might be able to drive a car in the future, how artists are attempting to make photography accessible to the visually impaired, and about apps that act as eyes for you.
This sounds like it'll keep us pretty busy through July, and then we'll look at adding additional programming for the fall and winter. Please let us know any ideas you might have for programs you'd like to see! If we choose your program idea, we'll send you a special prize!
Thanks to everyone who has participated in our Social Club so far this year. We have so enjoyed getting to know you and spending time together. Remember, Social Club meets on the last Monday of every month (unless it's a holiday) via Zoom and phone. Links and phone numbers are on our website and Facebook pages. Visit
Rights and Responsibilities
Did you know that Braille and Talking Book Library patrons have certain rights and responsibilities as part of their service? These rights and responsibilities were first created years ago, and modified in the past five years, before BTBL manager Kate Kosior took over the responsibility of updating these important rules for receiving service from the library. Most of them are common sense, but it seems important to share them with you at this time as we add additional services, and we are happy to receive input from you if you would like further information or would like to offer thoughts or suggestions about your rights and responsibilities as a patron.
What are your rights as a patron?
As a patron you have the right to receive prompt, courteous service from our staff. This includes when you sign up and our equipment staff must get a talking book machine out to you, your reader advisors must be in touch with you within a week of your referral, six weeks of referral, and annually thereafter. And we must provide you with the training you need to learn to operate the equipment.
If your talking book machine breaks down, we must replace it free of charge unless there is evidence of abuse. You have the right to a BARD account so you may download books yourself onto your own device (like a smart phone, tablet, etc.), although we do not provide mobile devices.
You have the right to access our full catalog of reading material and to select items without judgment regardless of the personal feelings of the staff member helping you. You have the right to keep your reading materials out as long as you would like without paying a fine. The exception here is DVD's which do have a two-week lending limit. You understand that you will not receive additional books until you return the books you have out. You have the right to select the number of titles on a cartridge and the number of cartridges you receive.
You have the right to determine if you want any additional services we provide and to sign up for them. New service alerts come out on our Facebook page, our website, through mailings and flyers, and you will be advised of them in service checks with your reader advisors.
If there is ever a shortage of equipment, BTBL would maintain a waiting list, and we do give preference to veterans and individuals over 100 years old.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call your reader advisor and get the answers you need. They are always your first line of communication, but you are welcome to contact the manager as well.
What are your responsibilities as a patron?
You have the responsibility to communicate with your reader advisor, including returning phone calls and emails in a timely manner. If the reader advisors cannot get ahold of you after several attempts by phone, email, or letter, your account may be suspended. You should communicate any changes of address or phone number, or your desire to suspend or terminate your service.
You take responsibility to care for the materials sent to you. If you take a hammer and smash your talking book machine, for instance, you should not have the expectation that we will send you another one. However, accidents happen, and if you inadvertently spill your coffee into your talking book machine and have no history of infractions, we will likely send you another one. You are responsible for mailing your books, DVD's, and magazines back when you are done with them. If a cartridge gets lost, you are responsible for alerting your reader advisor. Your cartridge will be replaced unless you have a history of lost cartridges on your record. Then you and your reader advisor will discuss what's going on. Patrons who do not fulfill these expectations run the risk of suspension.
You must take out a book once per year to maintain your service. Failure to do so may result in a suspension of your account.
It is your responsibility to talk respectfully with your reader advisor and other staff members of BTBL. Everyone gets frustrated with machinery or has a bad day, but when you call in to speak with a staff person, you will treat them with respect. In the event you and your reader advisor cannot resolve your differences, you have the right to speak with the manager. Patrons who verbally abuse the staff run the risk of suspension.
As with everything, these rights and responsibilities are ever evolving. We welcome your comments and suggestions, as we strive to provide you excellent service now and in the future.
Braille eReaders Coming to South Dakota!
In March, the National Library Service announced the successful conclusion of the pilot program for Braille eReaders, and their intention to begin to expand the program nationwide. Happily, South Dakota is in the first wave of states to offer eReaders to our patrons.
The Braille eReader program will provide free refreshable Braille displays to our patrons who read Braille. Patrons will be able to use WiFi to download titles directly onto their eReaders and then read full length novels from the device, instead of using audio books. Patrons can also request cartridges to be made with Braille titles on them. The cartridges will snap into the side of the eReader and you can download your titles that way.
The NLS Braille eReader Project will allow for the general distribution of Braille eReaders, which will increase access to digital braille materials, promote braille literacy, and provide access to tens of thousands of Braille titles in digital format, supporting the NLS mission statement of assuring that all may read.
Notices were sent out and phone calls made to all active patrons who read Braille to let them know of the upcoming distribution of eReaders. All interested patrons who signed up had their names submitted and should receive their eReaders in the next couple of months. The SD BTBL staff attended training on the basics of the eReader program on March 15, but troubleshooting will be handled by NLS, as we will not have the equipment here and very few staff members read Braille.
If you missed the opportunity to sign up but would like to know more, please contact BTBL manager Kate Kosior at
1-605-773-5081 .
Please be patient as NLS rolls the program out from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Dakotas to Texas. There are bound to be a few glitches along the way, but we will do our best to help and get you up and running as soon as possible!
Postal Workers Appreciation Event
Every year on July 1st, the United States recognizes Postal Workers Appreciation Day. What would the Braille and Talking Book Library Service be without the dedicated postal workers who deliver machines and cartridges and equipment to our patrons year-round?
If you have a postal carrier who you'd like to recognize for their service in keeping your Braille and Talking Books in your life, please submit their name and the name of your local post office to our manager Kate Kosior either by email at
or by phone at
1-605-773-5081 .
We will recognize SD's nominated postal carriers with a special certificate.
Thank you for remembering all the people who come together to bring books your way.
News Briefs
Just a reminder that the National Library Service has informed all member libraries that they will be unable to print Talking Book Topics in 2022 due to paper shortages and other concerns. All patrons who were signed up for a Talking Book Topics paper catalog subscription were notified of this change by mail in February and March.
You do have other options for finding and ordering books. First, you can use our online catalog, found at .
Secondly, you can call your reader advisor to request specific titles. You can also request that certain subjects or authors be sent to you automatically. Third, you can request that Talking Book Topics be sent to you on cartridge just like any other audio book. Finally, you can access it via NFB Newsline. Talk with your reader advisor about signing up.
We have print copies of title listings in the categories of Gentle Romance and Westerns. We are presently cleaning out our storage and recycling old catalogs, and plan to recycle these in the coming months. If you would like a copy of either of these catalogs, please let your reader advisor know so we may send them to you. We also have listings of children's titles.
Popular Science is now available from NLS as a magazine subscription. Let your reader advisor know you'd like to get it sent to you on cartridge!
DVD/Book Spotlight: We'd like to highlight a book that we also have on descriptive DVD this month, a recommendation from Lynette, one of our reader advisors. Check out The Light Between Oceans by M. L. Stedman
(DB075192 ).
It tells the story of Isabel and Tom Sherman, lighthouse keepers who find a washed-up boat containing a baby. Watch the repercussions of their decision-making unfold. When you've finished the book, you can borrow the DVD from us! Or watch the movie first, then read the book. Either way, let us know which you preferred!
by M. L. Stedman
Other recent descriptive DVDs added to the collection:
- DVD1025 "Ghostbusters: Afterlife"
- DVD1026 "Encanto"
- DVD1027 "Moonfall"
- DVD1028 "Death on the Nile"
- DVD1029 "Spider-Man: No Way Home"
- DVD1030 "West Side Story"
New Currency Reader Available
Do you have problems determining what the amount is on the paper currency in your wallet?
There is help for that! A currency reader which has been made available by the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS), the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) and this library.
The currency reader is a compact device that announces a note's value in one of three ways: voice, pattern of tones, or pattern of vibrations. Instructions for use are simple: just insert a bill into the device and press a button on the side to have the denomination identified. The device operates on a single AAA battery, which is provided.
This free Currency Reader Program is an interim phase of the U.S. government's Meaningful Access Initiative to people who are blind or visually impaired. The final objective in the Meaningful Access program is the addition of tactile markings to allow for identification of paper money by touch, which is scheduled to begin in 2026.
Patrons of the SD BTBL, including those who have the current currency reader that announces the denomination and want to upgrade, can order one sent to you by contacting your reader advisor by phone by calling 1-800-423-6665 or send an email to .
Internet Service Discounts for Low-Income Residents
The US government is trying to lower internet costs at a time when internet access is most critical. They have opened applications for a new program, offering qualifying residents discounts on their monthly internet bills. This initiative, the Affordable Connectivity Program, is overseen by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and funded through a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure law, passed by Congress in November.
The program began during the pandemic at the Emergency Broadband Benefit, which offered up to $50 per month to help qualifying residents pay for internet service. Hundreds of broadband providers have committed to participating in that FCC program, including AT&T, CenturyLink, Charter Spectrum, Comcast Xfinity, T-Mobile, Verizon, Cricket Wireless, and Walmart.
People can apply by mail or through the FCC website, .
The site lays out eligibility requirements, including household income based on family size, participation in other government assistance programs, and residence on tribal lands. Those who qualify can receive up to $30 per month discount on internet service, or up to $57 per month if they're on qualifying tribal lands. The program also provides a one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer.
For additional questions about the Affordable Connectivity Program, email
or call
1-877-384-2575 .
NFB Newsline Coming to South Dakota
The South Dakota Braille and Talking Book Library is thrilled to announce we are teaming up with the National Federation of the Blind to provide free NFB Newsline service to all print-disabled South Dakota residents!
Newsline is a service of the Federation which allows patrons to call in to the automated system via their telephones and read local, national, and international newspapers, listen to Talking Book Topics, get job listings, receive weather and emergency alerts, read a wide variety of magazines, TV listings and local circulars, and NFB news and programming.
Patrons can dial in via their regular telephone, use an Apple app (sorry, Android not presently available), use Amazon Alexa devices, get customized emails, or use the NFB website to access Newsline.
We plan to roll this service out after July 1st, so watch your mail for a flyer with all the details and be sure to let your reader advisors know that you'd like access to the service. We are still learning how it works and how to set patrons up, so be patient and we'll have you up and running soon!
For more information, please visit
A Trip to the South Dakota NFB Convention
In April this year, Josh Easter and Kate Kosior had the chance to attend the National Federation of the Blind's South Dakota chapter annual convention, which was held at the Rushmore Hotel in Rapid City.
On Friday night, the Federation hosted a meet and greet session, and we were able to meet with many Federation members and get valuable feedback on our services in a more laidback atmosphere. We got to hear about how people were enjoying their new Braille eReaders, explain why title cards were temporarily suspended, chat with people who were not patrons of ours and answer questions they might have, and just sit and visit with folks and learn about their passions and interests, as well as their NFB membership.
On Saturday, we were able to sit in on the convention and learn about updates from a variety of agencies devoted to the blind, learn about the journeys of some of South Dakota's blind population, and we got to provide updates on what was happening at the Braille and Talking Book Library. We signed up three new patrons and enjoyed a lot of fellowship with the NFB consumers.
Many thanks to Mike Klimisch and Richard Crawford for the invitation to participate, and we hope to see you all again in the future!
Book Recommendations
The early part of the year is a time when everyone's had just about enough of everything. Winter seems to be taking a bit too long and seasonal affective disorder brings with it some dark moods. This month Lynette, one of our reader advisors, recommended we go through some tales of murder, mystery, and madness so you know you're not alone!
- "If I'd Killed Him When I Met Him" by Sharyn McCrumb
(DB044478 )
is book 8 in the Elizabeth MacPherson series. In this tale of a murderous wife, Elizabeth MacPherson helps her attorney brother, Bill, in a bigamy-murder case that echoes a long-ago arsenic poisoning in the defendant's family. Meanwhile Bill's partner, A.P., defends a woman who killed her arrogant ex-husband and his new wife.
- "American Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land" by Monica Hesse
(DB088907 ).
You ever feel like just burning it all down? A couple of firebugs on the Eastern Shore of Virginia sure did. More than 70 times. This acclaimed book follows their trail, their motives, and leaves you wanting more!
- "I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer" by Michelle McNamara
(DB090637 ).
This book was all anyone was talking about a couple of years ago, when Michelle's search led to her own death, after she overdosed while on the trail of the killer, who was identified just months after her demise. Come for the mystery, stay for the DNA testing.
- "Columbine" by David Cullen
(DB068856 ).
What caused two young men to snap, killing teachers and classmates in their Colorado high school? Piecing together eyewitness testimony, video footage, diaries, and police reports, journalist Cullen dispels many of the myths that have sprung up around the Columbine shootings and gives a riveting account of what really happened before and during the killing spree that shocked the world.
- "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote
(DB022726 ).
The original true crime novel, written in 1966, about the murder of the Clutter family of Holcomb, Kansas. Capote traveled to Kansas to investigate with his friend and fellow author Harper Lee, who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird
(DB009110 ),
a famous novel about a white attorney defending a Black man accused of raping a white woman.
- "My Dark Places" by James Ellroy
(DB044271 ).
The author is an acclaimed mystery writer on his own, but did you know his mother was murdered when he was a child? This book examines his quest to identify her killer and looks at the fall out in his own life from the tragedy he endured in losing her at a young age.
- Finally, I'll mention author Anne Perry, who has several detective series. But did you know that Anne herself is a convicted murderess, having helped murder her friend Pauline's mother when she was but 15 years old? They say "write what you know", and I guess Anne really did! Check out:
- the first Daniel Pitt novel, "Twenty One Days"
(DB091690 ),
- the first Elena Standish novel "Death in Focus"
(DB097659 )
- or the first William Monk novel, "The Face of a Stranger"
(DB032732 )
Do you have a category of books or a title you'd like to see featured in an upcoming newsletter? Let us know and we'll see what we can do. Happy Reading!
Edyth Warne
Newest 10 Squared Club Inductee

Edyth Warne was born 100 years ago on March 20, 1922.
Reader Advisor Marcia Kaup asked the following questions regarding Edyth's reading experiences in the past and since she became a patron and these are the answers submitted by her daughter Lona gathered at a recent visit.
How has the talking book program made a difference in your life?
Having books from the South Dakota Talking Book Library has kept me alive the last 10 years by breaking the silence in my room.
If you have memories of reading as a child who read more to you: parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers or someone else?
I read by myself until macular degeneration took my sight.
Where in your home do you go to read?
My living room.
What is your all-time favorite book?
1-"The Duchess" by Danielle Steel. 2- "Where the Crawdads Sing" by Delia Owens
What other activities do you enjoy (Hobbies, Clubs, Church Activities, etc.)?
Bible Study and when I was sighted I was an avid quilter
As a centenarian, is there anything you would like to say about your experiences of living for a century?
I have lived through the depression; I have lived through an epidemic; I have lived through a flood (1972); I have lived through COVID. COVID was harder than the flood. In my 100 years I've learned not to lose faith and to cherish family. The trick to a long life is feeling young, I know I'm 100 but I feel young.
Thank you Edyth for being a patron for the last 23 plus years! We are very proud that you are now a part of our 10 Square Club and hope you continue to enjoy reading.

Outreach Opportunities Wanted
Remember the SD BTBL when scheduling resource fairs, conferences, speakers, and local events.
We love an opportunity to get out and say hello to our patrons and tell new folks about the great resources we have!
Here's a few of the events attended in the past (going back to before the COVID-19 pandemic) and in just the last few months:
- Aging, Health & Wellness Fairs
- SD State Fair booth in the Senior Center
- Veteran Service Officer Vendor Night
- Fall Conference for those who work with disabilities
If you know of an event that is being planned in your community that Marcia could attend, please let Marcia know who to contact (or have the organizer call her) at
or send an email to .
Gifts and Donations
The SD Braille and Talking Book Library thanks all our generous donors who have made contributions to the library in the past several months.
Bill Larson
husband of Lynette Larson
Tom Milroy
- Lois Varvel, Rita Vondracek, Nancy Brown, John Davis and Colleen Craig-Davis, David and Jerilyn Hansen, Roger & Ann Smith, Jim and Franie Heeren, Chuck Johnson, the Yankton Book Club, and Vivian Martin
Gifts and bequests that are donated to the Braille and Talking Book Library are used to enhance the services that we provide. We appreciate the generosity of those that give, and we miss those patrons who have been honored with memorials. All donations are considered a charitable donation and therefore are tax-deductible. When donating, please include the address of those to be notified for memorials or donations in honor of a special occasion or person.
The donations that you make are used to help us better serve our patrons. Donations have been used to purchase descriptive DVDs, celebrate the work of our volunteers, honor our readers who are 100 years old or older, and support reading programs such as the summer reading program. You can designate a specific purpose for your gift. If you have any questions, call your reader advisor.
Donations can be sent to:
SD Braille and Talking Book Library
800 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501-2235
Please make checks payable to the "SD Braille and Talking Book Library".
Thank you for helping to enhance and improve library services.
Kids News
2022 Youth Summer Reading Program
Dive in with the 2022 South Dakota Braille and Talking Book Library (SD BTBL) summer reading program "Oceans of Possibilities." The aquatic themed program will run eight weeks from June 5 to July 30, 2022 and is open to all registered library patrons birth to 19. Get ready for fun videos, crafts, and more as we explore more about the creatures in our oceans and other waters of our planet.
Read whenever you can and record your reading each day of the program.
You can still
register online
or by contacting us at
1-800-423-6665 or
1-605-773-3131 x1.
Reading charts must be mailed back (or take a photo and send to Josh Easter) to the BTBL before August 12, 2022 to be entered in the final drawing for the program.
If you use social media, please use
to share your summer reading progress!
Prizes include: $50 gift cards and an Android tablet!
If you have any questions please contact: Josh Easter:
1-605-773-3131 Option 1, 4; or email
We also have an
Adult Summer Reading Challenge
for older readers that senior high and up students can also participate in.
2022 Youth Winter Reading Program
The SD Braille and Talking Book Library Winter Reading Program ran from February 1-28, 2022.
We had 41 patrons birth-19 who registered and read during the month of February. 22 patrons returned their reading charts for the drawing.
Holiday Closings
The Library will be closed for the following holiday(s). Please plan to order your books accordingly. Keep in mind that the books you return will take longer to reach us. You may want to order extra books at least one week in advance of the following holidays:
- Monday, June 20, 2022 Juneteenth
- Monday, July 4, 2022 Independence Day
- Monday, September 5, 2022 Labor Day
- Monday, October 10, 2022 Native American Day
- Thursday, November 24, 2022 Thanksgiving
- Sunday, December 25, 2022 (Observed Monday, December 26) Christmas Day
Be prepared for interruptions in service due to weather events. You can ask your reader advisor about possibly increasing the number of books you receive so you don't run out. Or ask about how you can download books at home from the BARD website or on the BARD mobile app for smartphones and tablets..
The Prairie Trails Newsletter is our means of communication with all patrons of the South Dakota Accessible Library Services. The Prairie Trails Newsletter is made available in digital audio on cartridge, or via email, and is posted on our website in large print and audio.
If you have any questions or comments, or wish to request this newsletter in an alternative format, please contact the SD Accessible Library Services.
South Dakota Accessible Library Services
800 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501-2235
1-800-423-6665 (in SD Only)
The SD ALS does not endorse any service or product listed in this newsletter.
Masthead photo of prairie grasses and pasque flower with sunrise courtesy of South Dakota Department of Tourism © 2019