SDSL's Collect + Connect Meet-ups will be held monthly via Zoom. SDSL will be facilitating monthly chats for school, public, and academic libraries. These are informal chats to learn from colleagues and make connections. Stay tuned for scheduled times and registration through the SDSL Weekly Update on Tuesdays.
School Libraries: first Wednesday of the month at 3:30 PM MT (4:30 PM CT).
Registration is required. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link on the morning of the event. - Public Libraries: 2nd Wednesday of the month at Noon CT
- Academic Libraries: 3rd Thursday of the month at Noon CT

2022-2023 Schedule
School Libraries: Favorite Databases & How You Use Them
January 2023 Meet-Up
Wednesday Jan. 4, 3:30 PM MT (4:30 PM CT)
Public Libraries
December 2022 Meet-Up
Wednesday Dec. 14, Noon PM CT
Academic Libraries
December 2022 Meet-Up
Thursday Dec. 15, Noon PM CT
Stay in Touch
The School Library Pulse mini-cast
The Collect + Connect Meet-ups
The School Library Scoop video series
South Dakota School library email list. Visitors will have to log in or register to access.
Scottie Bruch
1-605-773-3131 (Option 5, 3)