I am conducting interviews with librarians across the state who are excited to share their knowledge and expertise. This is your opportunity to recognize community partnerships successes, highlight new programs and spaces and reach out to others in the field. Let me know if your library would like to demonstrate leadership and tell your story that could change what other librarians do. I would love to interview you and share all ideas and experiences with all of South Dakota's librarians to energize and feed us forward to accomplish our goals!

Remember LIBRARIANS are not buns and shushing anymore!

loud librarians lead logo with south dakota state library logo in megaphone

October 2022: Library Accreditation

Amber Wilde (Grace Balloch Memorial Library, Spearfish) and Lydia Schnaible (Bowdle Public Library) join Kathleen Slocum and Laura Kelly of the South Dakota State Library to discuss accreditation and the benefits of ongoing development for quality library services. Amber and Lydia share their experiences, while Kathleen gives library directors tips on how to start the accreditation process.

September 2022: Meet the new State Librarian

Meet South Dakota State Library's State Librarian, George Seamon.

August 2022: Serving on Committees

Emily Harris, Librarian from Siouxland Libraries and Mary Jo Parker, Library Director from Lake Andes Carnegie Public Library join Laura to talk about their experiences serving as a committee member for the Collaborative Summer Library Program. Hear how these ladies have the heart of a volunteer yet they get back more than they give!

June/July 2022: Muggles in the Library!

Sarah Myers, Library Assistant from Custer County Library and Karla Bieber, Library Director from A.H. Brown Library join Laura to talk about Harry Potter themed programming. Don't miss out on Hogwarts witchcraft and wizarding fun!

May 2022: Building Partnerships

Laura visits with Cara Perrion, Assistant Library Director/Community Services Librarian at K.O. Lee Aberdeen Public Library about experiences related to building successful partnerships in Aberdeen. Cara describes her role as community services librarian and shares successful outreach examples.

April 2022: Toy Lending Library of South Dakota

Laura visits with with Anelis Coscioni, Director of the Toy Lending Library of South Dakota, and Lisa Martin, Library Director Madison Public Library. Join in the excitement of celebrating the 7th Anniversary of Toy Lending Library of South Dakota and help them accomplish their goal of spreading the joy of learning through play!

March 2022: Redfield's Library School

Laura visits with Sarah Jones-Lutter (Library Director) and Amanda Evans (Children's Librarian) from the Redfield Carnegie Library about running programs for children that help build preliteracy skills and school readiness. Sarah and Amanda reflect on the Redfield Carnegie Library's long established library school.

  • As Featured in the Cornerstone!
  • Redfield Carnegie Library
  • Amanda and Sarah's Recommendations:
    • Mouse Count and/or Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh
    • The Mitten by Jan Brett
    • The Food Group series by Jory John
      • The Good Egg
      • The Bad Seed
      • The Couch Potato
      • The Smart Cookie
    • Owl Diaries Branches series by Rebecca Elliott
    • Fishing Chronicles series and/or Hometown Hunters series by Lane Walker
    • The Selection series by Kiera Cass
    • The Story in My Father's Footlockers by Juliann K. Pendolino

February 2022: One Book South Dakota

Laura visits with Listen to Jennifer Widman, Director, SD Center for the Book housed in South Dakota Humanities Council, and Jean Patrick, children's author and Children's Services Librarian from the Mitchell Public Library, share their knowledge and experiences related to One Book South Dakota. Join in the excitement of celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the South Dakota Humanities Council along with other important milestones!

January 2022: Recapping Season 1

Laura revisits LOUD LIBRARIANS LEAD's progress from 2021, and tease what's to come in 2022! Stay tuned for the Behind the Scenes discussion with Wynne Nafus Sayer, producer/editor and Information Officer of the series.

  • As Featured in the Cornerstone!
  • Laura & Wynne's Book Recommendations:
    • Hello Earth! Poems to Our Planet by Joyce Sidman and Miren Asiain Lora
    • The Vlogger's Handbook by Shane Birley and Audrey Malo
    • Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder
    • Flowers in the Attic series by V.C. Andrews
    • Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon
    • Deadwood Mystery series by Ann Charles

Youth Services Coordinator


1-605-773-3131 (Option 5, 1)