Every year financial and service data is collected from South Dakota's public libraries via the Public Libraries Survey--a statistical survey of all public libraries in the U.S. State-level statistics reported in this publication comprises information collected for calendar year 2022.
Data for the 2023 South Dakota Public Libraries Facts & Stats comes from the South Dakota Public Library Survey held in 2022.
Public Library Outlets

South Dakota has 142 library outlets. 96 of those outlets are stand-alone libraries. Ten libraries have branches (30) or bookmobile outlets (6).
Snapshot of Library Services

South Dakota public libraries connect communities through knowledge, imagination, and opportunities. 89% of residents are served by a local public library: 41% have library cards. Libraries welcomed 2.5 million visitors who came to check out materials, attend a program, use the internet, or ask a question.
- Visitors: Local residents and travelers visited South Dakota public libraries 2.5 million times
- Library Internet Access: Visitors used library wifi and public computers to access internet 1.5 million times at South Dakota libraries
- Programming: South Dakota libraries hhosted 330,000 people through program events and activities
- Reference: Librarians answered 260,000 questions including informational and technical assistance
Friends, Foundataion and Volunteers

It takes great people to make great libraries. Local residents volunteer their time and expertise to support their libraries.
- 25% of libraries have a Friends of the Library group that supports the library through volunteer work, advocacy & fundraising
- 12% of libraries have a Library Foundation to secure additional funding that enhances library services
- 1,000 library volunteers committed over 20,000 hours to South Dakota public libraries
- 600 library trustees guide the mission, funds and policies of their local public libraries
Library Programming

Library programs bring communities together with educational, cultural, and recreational activities. Libraries provided more than 9,500 programs attended by 180,000 people. Library programs play a crucial role in fostering early literacy skills in children. 72% of attendees at in-person programs were children.
Collection Use

Libraries offer books and more to foster literacy, information, imagination, and access to all kinds of materials. South Dakotans checked out an average of 6.5 items per resident. 87% of libraries offer ebooks. Circulation of digital & streaming media made up 22% of circulation. 41% of circulation transactions were for children's materials.
Computers and Internet

Libraries provide essential online access and opportunities for all residents. All South Dakotas public libraries provide public computers with internet access. 97% provide free WiFi access. 90% of libraries extend the availability of services such as ebook collections and research databases through their websites which serve as digital branches.
Income and Expenditures

Adequate funding impacts libraries' ability to maintain relevant services. Local governments contributed nearly $31 million in operating revenue. Thoughtful allocation of expenditures delivers knowledgeable staff, diverse resources, and well-kept physical spaces. Public libraries spent an average of $37 per resident providing library services.
A Day in the Life

Every day South Dakota public libraries:
- Welcome 6,000 visitors
- Lend 14,500 items to library users
- Answer 700 information and technology questions
- Host 900 people at entertaining and informative events
- Provide computer and internet access 4,000 times