2024 Public Libraries Data Digest; blue shape of south dakota with south dakota state library logo

Every year financial and service data is collected from South Dakota's public libraries via the Public Libraries Survey--a statistical survey of all public libraries in the U.S. State-level statistics reported in this publication comprises information collected for calendar year 2023.

Data for the 2024 South Dakota Public Libraries Facts & Stats comes from the South Dakota Public Library Survey held in 2023.

Public Library Outlets

2023 facts and stats with south dakota map

South Dakota has 130 library outlets. 106 of those outlets are central libraries. 18 libraries are branches and there are 6 bookmobiles in South Dakota.

Snapshot of Library Services

snapshot of library services

South Dakota public libraries connect communities through knowledge, imagination, and opportunities.

90% of residents are served by a local public library and 40% have library cards.

In 2023, local residents and travelers visited South Dakota public libraries 2.6 million times. That's more visitors than Mount Rushmore (2.4 million)!

  • Circulation: South Dakotans checked out 5.5 million items including physical and digital items.
  • Library Internet Access: Visitors used library wifi and public computers to access the internet 1.7 million times.
  • Programming: South Dakota libraries hosted 365,000 people through program events and activities.
  • Reference: Librarians answered 270,000 questions including informational and technical assistance.

Friends, Foundation and Volunteers

friends foundations and volunteers

It takes great people to make great libraries. Local residents volunteer their time and expertise to support their libraries.

  • Friends: 24% of libraries have a Friends of the Library group that supports the library through volunteer work, advocacy & fundraising.
  • Foundations: 11% of libraries have a Library Foundation to secure additional funding that enhances library services.
  • Volunteers: 1,000 library volunteers contributed over 21,000 hours to South Dakota public libraries.
  • Trustees: 600 library trustees guide the mission, funds and policies of their local public libraries.

Library Programming

library programming

Library programs bring communities together with educational, cultural and recreational activities.


  • 66% children
  • 6% young adult
  • 12% adult
  • 16% general interest


  • Libraries produced more than 200 recorded programs viewed by 11,600 people.
  • Libraries hosted 290,000 people at more than 15,000 programs.
  • Library staff helped 12,300 people through one-to-one programs like homework help, test proctoring, and homebound deliveries.
  • Libraries offered more than 1,600 self-directed activities like take-home craft kits and story walks to 48,000 visitors.

Collection Use

collection use

Libraries offer books and more to foster literacy, information, imagination, and access to all kinds of materials.

South Dakotans checked out 6.7 items per resident. 25% are digital or streaming materials, and 75% are physical materials.

  • 100% of SD residents have access to 58 research databases provided by the South Dakota State Library
  • 89% of libraries offer ebooks, downloadable audiobooks, and streaming video collections
  • 70% of libraries share physical collections with other libraries through interlibrary loan
  • 70% of libraries do not charge fines for overdue materials
  • 40% of circulation is children's materials

Computers and Internet

libraries deliver 24/7 online services for their communities

Libraries provide essential online access and opportunities for all residents.

  • 100% of libraries provided public computers and internet access.
  • 95% provided public WiFi: used approximately 1.3 million times.
  • 92% of libraries have a website that provides access to ebooks, audiobooks, research databases, and more.
  • 70% of libraries do not charge fines for overdue materials.
  • 80% of libraries have online catalogs so patrons can search and reserve items at their convenience.

Libraries deliver 24/7 online services for their communities.



South Dakota public libraries spent an average of $39 per resident providing library services.

    Local Governments contributed $32.8 million to public library operating revenue. 84% City, 13% County and 3% Other
  • 68% Staff
    South Dakota's public libraries spent $21.9 million on staff salaries and benefits.
  • 21% Operations
    South Dakota's public libraries spent $6.7 million on facilities, supplies, and utilities.
  • 11% Collections
    South Dakota's public libraries spent $3.8 million on library collections... that's about $4.55 on new materials per resident.



Every day South Dakota public libraries:

  • Welcome 7,300 visitors
  • Lend 15,200 items to library users
  • Answer 700 questions on information and technology
  • Host 1,000 people at entertaining and informative events
  • Provide computer and internet access 4,500 times



For Fiscal Year 2021, per capita population is based on unduplicated poplation of legal service areas.

South Dakota: Total Operating Revenue, $38.17; Total Operating Expenditures, $36.28; Collection Expenditures, $4.57; Staff Expenditures, $24.52; Square Footage per 1.000 pop., 965; Registered Users, 0.42; Library Visits, 2.57; Total Circulation, 6.36; Physical Materials Circulation, 4.92; Electronic Materials Circulation, 1.43; Program Attendance/1,000 pop., 227; Public Internet Computers/5,000 pop., 6.13; Public Computer Use, 0.31; Wireless Sessions, 0.77. Not calculated per capita data: MLS degreed librarians % of tota Full Time staff, 14%; Computer user sessions per computer, 253; Children's Material circulation percentage, 41%.

5 YEAR TRENDS: 2019-2023

5 YEAR TRENDS: 2019-2023

South Dakota Public Libraries Facts & Stats 2024

Statistic 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Annual Circulation Transactions 8,815,389 4,141,437 5,016,186 5,264,076 5,536,339
Annual Library Visits 3,688,451 1,479,448 2,030,462 2,487,451 2,646,169
Annual Public Computer Access
& Wifi Usage
1,763,737 787,500 823,552 1,490,041 1,656,553
Registered Borrowers 373,431 353,866 334,468 333,468 329,770
Reference Transactions 360,187 201,906 234,791 258,648 269,222



Top 6 most used databases from FY2024 (by views)

  1. BookFlix: 1,589,354
  2. World Book Online: 876,125
  3. CultureGrams: 434,738
  4. SIRS Issues Researcher: 257,734
  5. EBSCO: 131,234
  6. ProQuest Research Library: 120,456

The South Dakota State Library provides statewide access to a variety of general and subject-based online databases. A complete listing of these electronic resources can be found at library.sd.gov.

  • FY 2023 Sessions: 1,447,623
  • FY 2024 Views: 3,607,019

South Dakota Public Libraries Facts & Stats 2024; Fiscal year 2024 (FY24) = July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024

South Dakota State Library

South Dakota State Library
  • SCIENCE: Citizen Science Kits are available to borrow
  • PARK PASSES: Available for patrons to check out local state parks
  • TECHNOLOGY: Computer Science, Robotics, Programming, etc.
  • ACCESSIBLE: Library services for print disabled (including blind)
  • ENGINEERING: Agriculture, Industrial, and NASA kits to borrow
  • ARTS: Design Development, Production, etc.
  • MATHEMATICS: Statistics, Operations, Economics, etc.

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State Data Coordinator

Shawn Behrends

1-605-773-3131 (Option 5, 3)