The South Dakota State Library serves as the state's depository for state agency publications. During the 2012 legislative session, SDCL 14-1A-3 relating to the state publications distribution program operated by the South Dakota State Library was updated to include digital (electronic) publications. Previously, state agencies were required to provide 13 paper copies of state-produced publications to the state library. The law was changed to reduce the number of paper copies and also include digital publications.
The state library has an extensive collection of state publications from all agencies in state government, including historical information from agencies which no longer exist. This collection is used extensively by state employees and the state library research staff for requests related to territorial and early South Dakota law, vital statistics from the Department of Health, current and historical information from various state departments, historical opinions from the Attorney General's office, as well as current and historical information related to all manner of Boards, Departments, and Commissions. Immediate access to this collection is often critical for state employees who cannot wait for an item to be borrowed from somewhere else in the state. The state library is often the only library in the state with access to these documents.
In addition to the SD State Library, South Dakota has two affiliate depository libraries in the state, SD State University Briggs Library and SD School of Mines & Technology Devereaux Library. As affiliate depository libraries, Briggs and Devereaux receive a small number of paper copies of certain reports, are requested to provide links to electronic state publications in their library catalogs, and also provide training and research help to faculty, students, and the public that may need assistance with SD state government publications.

Superseded SD Government Publications
** To obtain a list of superseded SD government publications, contact the state library at 1-605-773-3131 ; 1-800-423-6665 (SD Only) or email
The purpose of the superseded list is to assist SD government publications depository librarians in disposing of superseded materials. These recommendations may be useful in weeding obsolete, dated or ephemeral documents from shelves, map, microfiche and CD-ROM storage cabinets. The materials listed in this publication may be discarded before the normal 5-year statutory retention period for non-superseded materials, without submitting them on a weeding list for approval.
Unless otherwise noted, all items listed are "keep only latest edition/issue", meaning that the latest edition or issue of the title needs to be kept. This is used for series issued with some type of regularity.
Caution: All depository librarians should note that this Superseded List does not require that materials be discarded. Do not dispose of any material that might be vital to the collection. Research libraries should be extremely cautious about weeding older editions and other items that are of historical or research value. When keeping superseded materials, it is important to mark them as "superseded" or "not current" because misinformation can be transmitted with outdated publications.
Acknowlegements: The SD State Library thanks Monique Christensen and the staff of the Siouxland Libraries who initiated this project and created the initial listing.
South Dakota Classification Schedule
** To obtain a list of superseded SD government publications, contact the state library at 1-605-773-3131 ; 1-800-423-6665 (SD Only) or email
The classification schedule lists classification stem numbers assigned to state publications by the state library for cataloging and shelving purposes. The schedule contains a combination of both past and present departments (also offices, divisions, boards, commissions, etc.), and does not necessarily reflect current departmental structures.

Brenda Hemmelman
1-605-773-3131 (Option 4)
Barb Nickolas
1-605-773-3131 (Option 4)