The South Dakota State Library, a division of the SD Department of Education, formally and annually recognizes schools with libraries that demonstrate accomplished and exemplary practice in each of the three pillars of school librarianship: Program, Place, and Professional.
SDSL's School Achievement Through Libraries (SATL) is an award program with a dual purpose:
- To recognize outstanding school library programs and school library professionals.
- To provide guidance in school librarianship best practices.
The award program is self-paced and requirements may be fulfilled at any time. Applicants who fulfill all requirements by July 1 will be recognized with award announcements at the beginning of the school year and at an annual conference held in the fall. Award status is valid for a three-year period.
The "School Achievement Through Libraries" award is replacing the 21st Century Award.
School libraries make a powerful difference in student achievement and benefit every learner in the school community. Highly effective school libraries support the whole child by encouraging reading for academic and personal growth; by supporting the development of research strategies to create and share new knowledge; by teaching ethical participation in an interconnected world; and by promoting a school culture of reading and lifelong learning.
It is the mission of the school library to:
- provide all learners a 21st century collaborative program for learning and teaching.
- provide a place for both a physical and virtual learning environment.
- provide access to a highly qualified professional for leadership in creating, promoting, and sustaining the program and place.
Applicants will earn 15 CECHs upon successful fulfillment of the program requirements.
Applicants will fulfill a task checklist via our SATL Program in Canvas.
View the past winners of the 21st Century School Library Award.

The Department of Education, of which the SD State Library is a division, is excited to present a new professional learning platform.
All items in Instructure Canvas are considered "courses" within the platform even if they are webinars, workshops, conferences, or in-person events.
Scottie Bruch
1-605-773-3131 (Option 5, 3)