FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Mary Stadick Smith, South Dakota Department of Education, 1-605-773-7228 , or
Ruth Raveling, South Dakota Department of Education, 1-605-773-2593 ,

State Library recognizes 21st Century School Libraries

PIERRE, S.D. — The South Dakota State Library has announced the 2022 recipients of the 21st Century School Library Award. The 21st Century School Library Award recognizes school libraries as Effective, Enhanced, or Exemplary, based on performance in three areas: place (which refers to the learning environment, both physical and online), programming, and the professional.

Applicants conduct a self-assessment and provide evidence of their ability to meet South Dakota's guidelines for school libraries. Award status is valid for a three-year period.

School Library Award Status Librarian
Aberdeen Central High School Exemplary Mikayla Arechigo
Adventure Elementary (Harrisburg) Exemplary Elizabeth Wells
Creekside Elementary (Spearfish) Exemplary Sheleen Bauer
Dakota Valley High School Effective Erin Nilges
Dakota Valley Upper Elementary/Middle School Effective Erin Nilges
George McGovern Middle School (Sioux Falls) Exemplary Sherri Wolles
Georgia Morse Middle School (Pierre) Exemplary Renae Lehman
Harrisburg High School Exemplary Eve Langerock
Jefferson High School (Sioux Falls) Exemplary Emelia Gulck
John Harris Elementary (Sioux Falls) Exemplary Stefanie Hage
Lowell Elementary (Sioux Falls) Exemplary Erin Radway
Sonia Sotomayor Elementary (Sioux Falls) Exemplary Jenni Egstad
South Park Elementary (Belle Fourche) Exemplary Karen Schlekeway

Find more information on the State Library's website at
