Summer Reading programs at public libraries helps maintain reading skills and fight the summer slide by encouraging children and families to continue to read throughout the summer.

The South Dakota State Library is a member of the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP), which allows access to CSLP summer reading manuals and other supporting materials to SD public libraries. Beginning in the fall, SD public libraries that have filled out the previous summer's Summer Reading survey will receive the an access code to allow access of the CSLP manual at web page link. Contact Amanda Raiche at to request an access code if your qualified public library did not receive their code.

State Library promotes reading, May 22, 2024

jump start 2025

Other resources to help prepare for Summer Reading

jump start 2025

Jump Start Workshops

Each Feb-March, the SD State Library offers Jump Start trainings hosted in various library locations across the state, along with virtual sessions, to allow SD library staff to share ideas, learn, and plan together. Registration typically opens in early December. Check the training calendar for more information at that time.

c s l p summer symposium

CSLP Summer Symposium

Watch for information to be shared each fall for a virtual symposium available to all to share ideas in preparation of the following summer's Summer Reading program. To view recordings from last December's symposium, visit from the button below.

read squared at my library


READsquared is an online reading tracking tool available free to SD public libraries through the SD State Library's membership. READsquared allows patrons to track their reading, activities, choose prizes and more. Library staff can run reports to easily review and compare different elements and different years to better adjust and make plans in the future.

read squared at my library

Performer's Database

Visit the SDSL Performer's Database for a comprehensive listing of performers who have/will perform in South Dakota libraries.

read squared at my library

Summer Food Service Program

Support Visit the Summer Food Service Program webpage to learn more about becoming a feeding site this summer or to locate a feeding site near your library.

Youth Services Coordinator


1-605-773-3131 (Option 5, 1)