Middle School Winner

book cover of I Will Always Write Back

I Will Always Write Back by Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda

Middle School Honor

book cover of Ghost

Ghost by Jason Reynolds

High School Winner

book cover of All American Boys

All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely

High School Honor

book cover of The Girl I Used to Be

The Girl I Used to Be by April Henry

2017-2018 Nominees:



I Will Always Write Back Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda | Middle School WINNER!
Ghost Jason Reynolds | Middle School HONOR!
I Am Princess X Cherie Priest | Middle School
Beneath Roland Smith Middle School
Code of Honor Alan Gratz | Middle School
Haikyu!! Haruichi Furudate Middle School
Love and Gelato Jenna Evans Welch | Middle School
Girl in the Blue Coat Monica Hesse | Middle School
Lily & Dunkin Donna Gephart | Middle School
Top Prospect Paul Volponi Middle School
OCDaniel Wesley King | Middle School
Under Their Skin Margaret Peterson Haddix Middle School

High School

All American Boys Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely High School WINNER!
The Girl I Used to Be April Henry | High School HONOR!
The Serpent King Jeff Zentner High School
Gutless Carl Deuker High School
The Problem with Forever Jennifer Armentrout | High School
Not If I See You First Eric Lindstrom | High School
We Are the Ants Shaun David Hutchinson | High School
Exit, Pursued by a Bear E. K. Johnston | High School
Illuminae Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman | High School
Three Dark Crowns Kendare Blake | High School
Zeroboxer Fonda Lee | High School
Riders Veronica Rossi High School

*SDTTG: South Dakota Titles to Go is South Dakota's audiobook and ebook library provided through Overdrive.

SDLA YARP Committee

Kerri Smith, YARP Chair

South Dakota Library Association

sdlibraryassociation.org web page link

School Library Coordinator

Scottie Bruch

1-605-773-3131 (Option 5, 3)