Middle School Winner

book cover of Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson

Middle School Honor

book cover of Heat

Heat by Mike Lupica

High School Winner

book cover of Runner

Runner by Carl Deuker

High School Honor

book cover of Just Listen

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

2008-2009 Nominees:



Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment James Patterson | 2008-2009 MS WINNER
Heat Mike Lupica | 2008-2009 MS Honor
Defining Dulcie Paul Acompora | Middle School
Boy2Girl Terence Blacker   Middle School
Escape: The Story of the Great Houdini Sid Fleischman Middle School
Good Brother, Bad Brother J. Giblin   Middle School
Blood Red Horse K. M. Grant Middle School
Leonardo's Shadow: Or, My Astonishing Life as Leonardo Da Vinci's Servant Christopher Grey Middle School
Rash Pete Hautman | Middle School
Alabama Moon Watt Key | Middle School
Born to Rock Gordon Korman Middle School
The Lighthouse Land Adrian McKinty Middle School
Dairy Queen Catherine Gilbert Murdock | Middle School
Bread and Roses, Too Katherine Paterson | Middle School
Terrier Tamora Pierce | Middle School
Dread Locks Neal Shusterman Middle School
The Trap John Smelcer Middle School
Bella at Midnight Diane Stanley Middle School
Hard Hit Ann Warren Turner   Middle School
Firehorse Diane Lee Wilson Middle School

High School

Runner Carl Deuker 2008-2009 HS WINNER
Just Listen Sarah Dessen | 2008-2009 HS Honor
Twisted Laurie Halse Anderson | High School
On Thin Ice Jamie Bastedo   High School
Love, Football and Other Contact Sports Alden R. Carter   High School
Eagle Blue: A Team, a Tribe, and a High School Basketball Season in Arctic Alaska Michael D'Orso High School
Endgame Nancy Garden   High School
Saint Iggy K. L. Going | High School
The Noah Confessions Barbara Hall High School
Firestorm David Klass | High School
Keturah and Lord Death Martine Leavitt | High School
Sold Patricia McCormick | High School
Life As We Knew It Susan Beth Pfeffer | High School
Finding Lubchenko Michael Simmons   High School
Knights of the Hill Country Tim Tharp High School
Trigger Susan Vaught High School
Black & White Paul Volponi   High School
Rules of Survival Nancy Werlin | High School
Story of a Girl Sara Zarr | High School
The Book Thief Markus Zusak | High School

*SDTTG: South Dakota Titles to Go is South Dakota's audiobook and ebook library provided through Overdrive.

SDLA YARP Committee

Kerri Smith, YARP Chair

South Dakota Library Association

sdlibraryassociation.org web page link

School Library Coordinator

Scottie Bruch

1-605-773-3131 (Option 5, 3)