Middle School Winner

book cover of Blue lipstick concrete poems

Blue Lipstick: Concrete Poems by John Grandits

Middle School Honor

book cover of Shark Girl

Shark Girl by Kelly Bingham

High School Winner

book cover of thirteen reasons why

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

High School Honor

book cover of i heart you you haunt me

I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroeder

2009-2010 Nominees:



Blue Lipstick: Concrete Poems John Grandits   Middle School WINNER
Shark Girl Kelly Bingham Middle School Honor
Beauty Shop for Rent… Fully Equipped, Inquire Within Laura Bowers   Middle School
Pieces of Georgia Jen Bryant Middle School
If A Tree Falls at Lunch Period Gennifer Choldenko | Middle School
Gym Candy Carl Deuker | Middle School
Skullduggery Pleasant Derek Landy | Middle School
Brothers, Boyfriends, and Other Criminal Minds April Lurie Middle School
The Declaration Gemma Malley Middle School
The Real Benedict Arnold Jim Murphy   Middle School
Freak Marcella Pixley Middle School
The True Meaning of Smekday Adam Rex | Middle School
Battle Cry Jan Neubert Schultz Middle School
Hurricane Terry Trueman | Middle School
Red Moon at Sharpesburg Rosemary Wells   Middle School
Rubber Houses Ellen Yeomans Middle School

High School

Thirteen Reasons Why Jay Asher | High School WINNER
I Heart You, You Haunt Me Lisa Schroeder High School Honor
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Sherman Alexie | High School
Airman Eoin Colfer | High School
Deadline Chris Crutcher | High School
Lock and Key Sarah Dessen | High School
Little Brother Cory Doctorow | High School
Beastly Alex Flinn High School
How Ya Like Me Now Brenda Halpin High School
Skate Michael Harmon High School
Bunker Ten Jan-Andrew (J.A.) Henderson   High School
Wake Lisa McMann High School
Saving Zoë Alyson Noël | High School
Unwind Neal Shusterman High School
My Swordhand Is Singing Marcus Sedgwick High School
Saturday Night Dirt Will Weaver High School

*SDTTG: South Dakota Titles to Go is South Dakota's audiobook and ebook library provided through Overdrive.

SDLA YARP Committee

Kerri Smith, YARP Chair

South Dakota Library Association


School Library Coordinator

Scottie Bruch

1-605-773-3131 (Option 5, 3)