Middle School Winner

book cover of El Deafo

El Deafo by Cece Bell

Middle School Honor

book cover of The Crossover

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

High School Winner

book cover of Half Bad

Half Bad by Sally Green

High School Honor

book cover of Divided We Fall

Divided We Fall by Trent Reedy

2015-2016 Nominees:



El Deafo Cece Bell Middle School WINNER!
The Crossover Kwame Alexander | Middle School HONOR!
The Ability M.M. Vaughan Middle School
The Blood Guard Carter Roy   Middle School
A Matter of Days Amber Kizer | Middle School
No Summit Out of Sight Jordan Romero | Middle School
Popular: Vintage Wisdom for a Modern Geek Maya Van Wagenen   Middle School
The Rule of Three Eric Walters   Middle School
The School for Good and Evil Soman Chainani | Middle School
Soldier Dog Sam Angus Middle School
Tandem Anna Jarzab | Middle School
There Will Be Bears Ryan Gebhart Middle School

High School

Half Bad Sally Green | High School WINNER!
Divided We Fall Trent Reedy | High School HONOR!
Caged Warrior Alan Lawrence Sitomer High School
Call Me By My Name John Ed Bradley High School
Find Me Romily Bernard High School
Grace and the Guiltless Erin Johnson High School
I'll Give You the Sun Jandy Nelson High School
Killer of Enemies Joseph Bruchac   High School
Phoenix Island John Dixon | High School
Red Rising Pierce Brown | High School
Tease Amanda Maciel | High School
What I Thought Was True Huntley Fitzpatrick | High School

*SDTTG: South Dakota Titles to Go is South Dakota's audiobook and ebook library provided through Overdrive.

SDLA YARP Committee

Kerri Smith, YARP Chair

South Dakota Library Association

sdlibraryassociation.org web page link

School Library Coordinator

Scottie Bruch

1-605-773-3131 (Option 5, 3)