Middle School Winner

book cover of The False Prince

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Middle School Honor

book cover of The Heartbreak Messenger

The Heartbreak Messenger by Alexander Vance

High School Winner

book cover of Pushing the Limits

Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

High School Honor

book cover of Throne of Glass

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

2014-2015 Nominees:



The False Prince Jennifer Nielsen | Middle School WINNER!
The Heartbreak Messenger Alexander Vance | Middle School HONOR!
33 Minutes Todd Hasak-Lowy and Bethany Barton (Illustrator) Middle School
Beyond Courage: The Untold Story of the Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust Doreen Rappaport   Middle School
Defriended Ruth Baron Middle School
Finny and the Boy from Horse Mountain Andrea Young Middle School
The Originals Cat Patrick Middle School
Poison Bridget Zinn Middle School
Record Breaker Robin Stevenson Middle School
TITLE AUTHOR | Middle School
The Reluctant Journal of Henry K Larson Susan Nielsen   Middle School
Skinny Donna Cooner | Middle School
Slated Teri Terry Middle School
True Legend Mike Lupica Middle School
Sylo D.J. MacHale | Middle School
Will in Scarlet Matthew Cody Middle School

High School

Pushing the Limits Katie McGarry High School WINNER!
Throne of Glass Sarah Maas High School HONOR!
5th Wave Rick Yancey | High School
The Beginning of Everything Robin Schneider | High School
The Burning Sky Sherry Thomas | High School
TITLE AUTHOR | High School
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown Holly Black | High School
Eleanor and Park Rainbow Rowell | High School
If You Find Me Emily Murdoch | High School
Man Made Boy Jon Skovron | High School
Proxy Alex London | High School
The Rules for Disappearing Ashley Elston High School
Second Chance Summer Morgan Matson High School
Second Impact David and Perri Klass | High School
This Is What Happy Looks Like Jennifer E. Smith | High School
A Thousand Words Jennifer Brown High School
The Twelve-Fingered Boy John Hornor Jacobs High School
Winger Andrew Smith High School

*SDTTG: South Dakota Titles to Go is South Dakota's audiobook and ebook library provided through Overdrive.

SDLA YARP Committee

Kerri Smith, YARP Chair

South Dakota Library Association

sdlibraryassociation.org web page link

School Library Coordinator

Scottie Bruch

1-605-773-3131 (Option 5, 3)